Management Rights Mentor, Coach, Leader & Advocator
Boosting Revenue and Protecting Your Investment to build a highly profitable Management Rights Business

Walk away with a booming letting pool and transform all owners into your greatest supporters.
Does the thought of calling your external investor make your stomach drop? Are you caught in a cycle of procrastination when it comes to marketing? When asked, “why are you the best person for the job”, do you know how to seal the deal? If the idea of reaching out to your owners fills you with unease and you often feel like you’re facing these challenges alone, you’re not alone—and you’re in the right place.
Letts Group has helped 124+ Management Rights Businesses achieve growth in their letting pool, Top Up wins and community harmony… Is this something you would like? With our done for you marking templates, scripts and dialogs you can simply plug-n-play these techniques to win over your external investors and community.
Letts build the right way—strategic, seamless, and sustainable.
The More Letts Program
Build a strong foundation for your management rights business to thrive in both revenue and relationships.
Get 24/7 access to marketing and communication templates for your owner occupiers, Letting Pool & external investors, scripts, and dialogues (to practise in the mirror—don’t laugh; it works!), plus a community platform filled with like-minded Management Rights Owners. This 30-week program is full of tips and tricks to build your letting pool. You will have access to message our team directly and ask for feedback on all communication, ask questions and post your wins for the community to celebrate. Ready to put an end to procrastination and start building your dream Management Rights business? If it’s a YES, sign up and LETTS get you more results, more confidence, and more growth.
programVIP Deep-dive to Success
If your business has deeper issues that call for a one-on-one approach, this is just what you need!
Do you wish you could have Kelley by your side? Well we are here to tell you, you can. Kelley will dive deep into your business and collaborate with you to create a strategic plan not only focused on enhancing your letting pool but building trust with all owners. She’ll evaluate your existing communications with owner occupiers & investors to ensure a solid and supportive foundation.
vip consultingPartnership Workshops
Invite Kelley out for a day to share her wealth of knowledge, innovative marketing strategies, and templates, along with her passion for helping teams thrive.
Multiple buildings with numerous managers? No problem; we have you covered! Your team will walk away with a deep understanding of WHY building your letting pool is so important, HOW to implement these effective strategies, and WHAT to say to overcome objections. Kelley will also dive deep into your business and create a tailored three-month strategy for your team to follow. If you're ready to ignite your team's motivation and passion for success, it's time to schedule a call with Kelley!
consulting“Kelley's expertise has been instrumental in contract preparation, and adapting seamlessly to numerous changes we have required for our building.”

“In today's world of advancing digital and IT technologies, finding someone with Kelley's outstanding people skills is rare."

You will walk away with a solid foundation that will help your letting pool thrive, enhance your connections with current investors and owner-occupiers, and ensure an unwavering support at your next TOP UP Motion!
Feeling alone in your 4-walls? Work with us and build a community around you that will support, celebrate and be your sounding board for every step of your business growth.
By implementing our strategies, templates, scripts, and dialogues, you will have structure and clarity. By investing your time in group calls and our online platform, you will gain accountability, support, and valuable insights.

Staring at a screen filled with nothing but 'Dear Owner'?
Letts kick-start your marketing strategy and communicate the value we know you already provide.